21 Day Fix

Monday, April 14, 2014

Ugliest Apple Pie

My family loves apple pie, but lately my pies have not been turning out....apples undercooked or overcooked...then it is such a pain to peel the apples and keep from browning while you keep peeling. UGH! I give up!

So this week I thought I would try canned apple pie filling. I have never tried this before...so here goes.

We went to Wal-Mart today and all they had was their brand....

As you can see the apples are quite lovely.

Even though the ingredients list cinnamon...I didn't see where it looked like there was any...which my family LOVES...so I was going to add some, but after a quick taste test I could detect some and I thought lets just keep it natural for the first time to judge it fairly. I can always add more in the future.

My pie crust is also store bought, Wal-Mart Great Value brand...and my package must have been dropped along the way because it was cracked up BAD! So...what to do. It was mangled too bad for a lattice trial...so yeah, this is what I went with lol...

So bad I know...but hey, taste is what counts on this test...lets not judge this book by its ugly cover...which by the way looks better cooked btw.

And the verdict is in....it got a thumbs up from the family, who wasn't aware it was canned pie filling until I said...and I let the cat out of the bag when they asked me where the cinnamon was. So I will totally make this again, with the addition of cinnamon! Yummo!!

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