21 Day Fix

Friday, September 14, 2012

Shark Tank Season 4 Premier

I love this show. I love the art of the deal, the creativity of the ideas, the drive of these inventors as they try to get their products out there...plus the Sharks can be very entertaining!

Up first...

Sounds like a good idea but a bit flawed as it is basically a seasonal idea. A computerized ticketless coat check that takes your picture to match the face with the coat...but half the year we dont wear coats?? So as cute and energetic as Derek is...he did not get a deal...not that he wasnt offered one, he didnt like the counter offer Mark Cuban gave him...$200,000 for a 33% stake...so he passed.

Jay Kriner...The Bev Buckle

OMG this made me LOL. I am not a beer drinker or partier, but I think this is pretty ingenious!! It is a belt buckle that pops open to hold your beer bottle.
He went with Barbaras offer of $50,000 for a 51% stake in his company. I dont know that I would ever want to give up control of my company, but for some people that may be ok...I am too much of a control freak! :)

Tod Miller...Body Walking...Asking 100,000 for 10%

A massage mat that allows him to WALK on your body to "massage" you. I personally wouldnt care for this, although Barbara did lay down and have him walk on her and she said it was wonderful....for me I wouldnt care for this. No deal from any Shark.

Maria and Veronica...Buggy Beds...Asking $125,000 for 7%

A bed bug glue trap to collect and trap bed bugs...kinda like a roach motel. They have travel versions for when you go to a hotel. I have to say I love this idea...and so do all of the sharks. WOW they made a deal with ALL FIVE of the Sharks. $250,000 for 25%...so each Shark pays $50,000 for a 5% stake...these girls did good!!!!

Great season premiere...which product was your favorite?

Project Runway - Final 8

Mondo returns!

He won last years all stars. Tonights show is the HP Print Challenge. Sometimes this can be cool...and sometimes it goes so very wrong! Some designs do not translate well as an all over pattern fabric, but some turn out pretty fantastic...so how did tonights come out...

First their heritage...which is what they are to build their textile around...is delivered by family members, so tears all around the room. They all get slideshows of their childhood and begin planning...

Dmitry...Using a traditional ornament for his design, wild but may be cool.

Gunnar...a bird breaking free of abstract hands as a symbol of the bullying he endured.

Ven...using hibiscus flowers, a lil plain.

Christopher...whining already...having a hard time because "he doesnt work with prints"

Off to mood...how fun would it be to shop here...or even just roam the halls....now back to Parsons with their purchases to begin creating...

UGH Christoper is whining again...just WORK!

Now they are heading back to Atlas for dinner with their families. I am sure this is a great boost for their energy...a great emotional recharge.

The next day the textiles have arrived. Some are wild and colorful, some are...hmmm...very interesting!

Time for Tim's critique...

I cant believe how Christopher is so lost. He has 2 dresses made because he doesnt know what he is doing...oh wait...we now have a direction.

Sonjia...I am not a fan of prints on pants...will have to see what it looks like after a top is added.

I kinda like what Ven is doing...UNTIL...Tim said his dress reminded him of a mentrual cycle...WHAT?!?! Wow that is harsh...and weird!

I like Melissa's print...but then I love anything red...it is a cool print, hope she isnt staying that boring on her dress.

Elena's scrub top is gross! Hate the print and dont like the look of what she is designing...oh but wait I dont like her either.

Now Gunnar is whining. I liked his drawing, but not liking what he is ending up with...and Tim doesnt like it either.

So back to the drawing board for some. Amazing how they can pull this off in such a short time.

Day of the Runway Show....

I do not like the makeover part...just a way for the shows sponsor to hawk their wares I suppose, but it doesnt fit in the show for me...so fast forward time....oh and dont forget to use the Lord and Taylor wall "thoughtfully"!

So lets see what my thoughts compared to the judges are...

Sonjia...It is ok, better than I thought, but I am not a fan of patterned pants...or wide leg pants.

Elena...I think it is a jacket, I dont care for it.

Christopher...plain and boring...and that zipper is hugely flawed!

Ven...I like Vens style. I know he does that fan a lot, but it is his signature. Very tailored.

Fabio. Too dark for me, and again I am not personally a fan of wide leg trousers.

Melissa...I like it, but nothing WOW about it. a nice basic "safe" dress.

Gunnar...I like it. Super cute outfit. I love the jacket.

Dmitry...I love the peek-abo cuts in the jacket showing the print of the shirt.

Elena and Fabio are safe...they scored in the middle.

So now we have the highest and the lowest scores...


WOW I have no fashion sense at all! LOL

The winner of this challenge is Dmitry...and Gunnar is going home.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Real Housewives of Miami

The new season started tonight. This is the second season...I watched the first season...eh, it was ok. The new season has some new girls...hmmm...not so sure here.

Wow first of all I cannot imagine this kind of lifestyle, the clothes, the homes, the plastic surgery the egos...eye yi yi!!!!

Ana...Interesting relationship with her soon to be ex. Great they can get along, but odd to eat dinner together almost everyday...while he has a girlfriend...somewhere...odd to me.

Lisa...she is sure proud of her boobage...and wow does she have some, but what caught my attention is her housekeeper Daysy. So Lisa's husband is a plastic surgeon...and they are gifting a breast lift and lipo to Daysy...but she is 2 years into her 4 year training to be a pastor...what?? A pastor? Should they be so vain and have plastic surgery??

Marysol...sad to hear she and Phillip didnt work out, hopefully she finds love again. I like her, I think she is sweet.

Mama Elsa...oy vay...her face is plastic surgery gone bad...poster woman for when you should stop....enough is enough! :( Very sad because I lover her sassyness!!

Audriana...umm, I dont know about this yacht idea...live on a yacht without touring the world? Who lives on a yacht and stays in one town?? And a baby grand piano and walk in closet??

Karent...a dentist? Interesting. Not sure I would go back they way she was waving the needle around in the patients face as she talked. Rudolfo her boyfriend...not sure how loyal he can be.

Joanna...wow, prima dona or what? Quite full of herself. Yes she is beautiful, but to throw such a fit about not being on the cover...you said you have been modeling for 10 years...be thankful they still want you. Her sister Marta is a saint to put up with her!

Lea...she was my fave last year, just felt she is the most real and down to earth.

So these are my first impressions of the season opener...lets see how it all plays out. The New Miami/Old Miami ego war is on....this season looks explosive!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Honey Balls

The Hubs grew up with a "candy" he calls honey balls...and I came across a recipe I thought might be it. He enjoys it and I find it quite tasty myself and I love that it is super easy to make....

1 c. creamy peanut butter
1 c. nonfat dry milk powder 
1 c. powdered sugar
1/2 c. honey

Blend together the peanut butter and honey...add in the dry milk powder and the sugar...mix until it forms a dough. 

I then pressed into an 8x8 dish and popped it into the fridge overnight.

Now the only problem is I find if I roll them into balls they lose shape if not kept refrigerated, so next time I am going to try and dip them into chocolate.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I have to say The Hubs and I dont make it out to the movies very much...in fact we dont take any free time for ourselves at all. I have decided this must change, life is too short right??

So we actually had a date night and went to the movies. We saw The Hunger Games. I wasnt sure what to expect as I seem to be among the few living under the rock where this book was never heard of and by the previews I saw I likened it to The Running Man from the 80s.
I heard reviews about not letting kids see it...although they play violent video games and watch adults killing people...not sure why they would now edit their kids watching this...but anyway yes it had a couple of brutal moments but I go to the movies to escape reality...I go for the entertainment knowing this isnt real life. So all in all The Hubs and I really enjoyed it

Now we move to the other end of movies...last night we saw The 3 Stooges. I was raised on the Stooges and quite enjoyed them...as for the movie, I have to be honest...I found it hilarious! I dont normally go for slapstick humor, so maybe I enjoyed it because I grew up watching them? I found it to be true to who they were and it was downright histerical on some parts. For sure not a movie for everyone, but we enjoyed it...and hey even if it wasnt a good movie, how can any night out and about with The Hubs be bad?